Archive for November 24, 2008


My condo officially went on the market last Tuesday, and within 4 hours, an agent wanted to see it. So I spent five hours frantically cleaning, doing laundry, rearranging my bedroom closet, and sorting through things, so that it would be ready for company on Wednesday afternoon.

He didn’t bite.

Now we wait. So far no one else has called. All that work for just one person.

But, it’s really nice living in a completly picked-up, clean place. Usually I can count on a mound of clothes by my closet, and some hair on the walls in the shower. (You should have seen the hair we pulled out of the drain last night with a doohickey called a “zipper” that we got for $2.59 at Home Depot. Eeew. I think things were growing down there.)

I hate to admit it, but it really doesn’t take that much time to clean if I do it every day. Like 10 minutes. Which I’m doing because my place is on a lock box, and guests could show up anytime during the day. (I’ve been giving the cats a pep talk each morning in hopes that they won’t puke.)

Speaking of cleaning, I need to help Mr. Farmer clean up the sheetrock powder storm in his living room, made while cutting pieces for his basement shower. We’ve been working for two weekends now on his second bathroom, and it’s officially going to get done this weekend! He even taught me how to run copper pipe. Fortunately he had some handy dandy sweatless fittings so we didn’t torch the place.

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