
Sunday night, while I was getting my laundry out of the dryer in the basement (because I’ve STILL not called the handyman to give me a plan for the dryer vent), Mom called and left a message.

Apparently a week had gone by since we’d talked. I thought it’d only been an hour or so. (I still keep thinking last month was June.) I figured someone died — that’s the only time she usually calls me. I’m the one who usually does the calling, since it’s more of a sure thing for her to be free when I want to talk than vice versa.

Indeed, someone had died. But that wasn’t the headline — that was just the “what’s going on in the community” news flash.

The big news was that Mom’s entry in the Pioneer Woman’s photo contest got an honorable mention! And considering that there were over 2,500 entries, this is quite a feat.

Her entry was “Turf War.”

Brillant! Hooray, Mom!

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Mom said,

    Hard to celebrate when you’re beaten by “Bullies” and Buttheads”.

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